Easter People, Raise Your
Sounds of heaven in earth should
Christ has brought us heaven’s choices;
Heavenly music, let it ring.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
wasn’t too long ago that Valentine’s Day candy and cards were being replaced on
the shelves of many stores with Easter baskets, cards, chocolate Easter Bunnies
and other assorted sweets. We hadn’t even begun the season of Lent, and the
world was telling us to hurry into the next big holiday. Corporate advertising,
bottom line profit margins, and retail therapy were being pushed to the limit
and beyond. It seemed to be too much too soon. Let us at least get over our
glucose and fructose highs from all the candy and chocolate-covered whatevers
before we are thrust into another diabetic experience!
It was a strange whirlwind of
change, but one that seemed to leap-frog over some fairly significant events.
Ironically, for most Christians, we’ve become numb to this onslaught of quickly
moving holidays. We may subtly scoff under our breath at the changes, but
somewhere, deep-down, I suspect we’d truly like to have a breather.
The season of Lent is now past, and
has been replaced by the High Holy Days of Easter, and the season of new life
in Christ. Resurrection has come at last, and we proclaim boldly in the
tradition of the Church of two millenia - Christ is Risen! He Is Risen
Unfortunately, the coloring on the
Easter Eggs has barely dried, the chocolate bunny ears consumed, and the world
is moving on to the next big event – Mother’s Day.
But for a moment – nay, for a
season – let us stop long enough to proclaim to the world that God’s plan of
Salvation has been fulfilled. Death has been defeated. Sin did not win. God’s
eternal Kingdom has begun, and Christ has assumed his rightful place at the
right hand of God! Easter people, RAISE YOUR VOICES! Sounds of heaven in
earth should ring!
If only for a moment – nay, for a
season – the earth could hear from the body of Christ this wonderful news of
glorious victory over sin and death, perhaps the world might slow down again,
and turn toward the Creator once again.
I pray that you will not be among
those who are seduced into the next great secular whirlwind holiday, but rather
might take the time to dwell in the HOLY-day of Christ’s resurrection. And
proclaim it aloud! Raise your voices! Tell the world! And Shout Alleluia! The
promise has been fulfilled!
See you in Church!
(1) William M. James, Copyright 1979 United Methodist Publishing House
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